Potato virus S – PVS

Kind of organism : Virus

Detection method : ELISA

All diseases & pests

Causal agent(s) and transmission

Two types of Potato virus S strains may be distinguished: the ordinary strains (PVSO), distributed worldwide and very common in Europe (Germany, Poland, Central Europe), and the Andean strains (PVSA), classified as quarantine parasites in Europe as they cause much more severe reactions.

PVS is a Carlavirus and it is very easily transmitted both by contact between diseased and healthy plants (e.g. with farm implements) and by aphids in a non-persistent mode. The most frequently mentioned vector aphids are Myzus persicae, Aphis nasturtii and Aphis frangulae.

Host range is narrow. Susceptible species belong mainly to the Solanaceae and Chenopodiaceae.


Yield reduction caused by PVS infection is usually low, at worst 10 to 20%, except in the case of mixed infections with other viruses.

Symptoms on foliage

On the majority of potato cultivars, PVS causes few or no symptoms, especially for PVSO strains which usually are symptomless (latency) or cause mild symptoms, which vary according to the cultivar and the viral strain:

In highly susceptible cultivars, the symptoms are more pronounced, with a bronzed appearance, necrotic spots and smaller plants.

PVSA has been reported to cause more severe symptoms.

Risk factors

The development of PVS infection results from a combination of:


PVS has little effect on yield and consequently control measures are only justified for seed potato production.

Production of certified seed potatoes is based on a range of measures limiting the infection by viral diseases such as PVS and involves:

Additional control measures in seed potato production include: